Friday 16 September 2011

Greeting the Bearer of Bad News

I went to a party tonight. It was one of those small, not a lot of people, everyone speaks to everyone else at somepoint in the night, type parties. It was a "cosy" party. It was the type of party where people get to know each other, rather than huddling with the people they already know. It was the type of party where you suddenly discover that the girl you like got a boyfriend over the summer

Yeah. That happened to me. I'd decided this year that I was going to be more outgoing, especially with regards to this girl. You know what I mean. This was the year that I was actually going to gather my courage and ask her out sometime. She's actually one of two girls that I've liked from the first time I met them. The other is currently not interested in dating, although that won't necessarily stop me from trying - I've known lots of people say that and end up with a partner by the end of the month. But she's not the point of this article.

The point of the article is a girl called M. Not the lady who gives James Bond his missions, but a rather sweet young woman on my uni course. I'm not using her full name in case someone who knows her reads this. Of course, if she read it herself she would know I'm talking about her, but that's life...

Sunday 15 May 2011

Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them.


David Hume said that, in is Essays, Moral and Political, 1742. Not the bright red warning, I mean the title of the post. It was one of several possible early instances of the phrase "Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder" that I could find - and I went with it because the tallest building in my University is named after him.

Not that I actually know who he is.

But that's not the point. The point is that seven months ago today, a friend of mine, Adrielne, posted on her blog an entry entitled "Wow, They're Hot!". It was essentially a list of twenty female the celebrities that she found most attractive (She did one for men as well). Now, I agreed that about four of them are attractive. So she challenged me to come up with a meagre  top-ten list of attractive women and I couldn't do it.

I don't know why. I looked up several names of people who I thought should be attractive, and I just didn't want to add them to my top ten. But then I had a similar discussion with my flatmate a week or two ago, and that night decided to make a list - and actually complete it. For my first friend, I decided to post a response blog entry on my own site. And this is it...